Friday, March 29, 2013

Gun Ban or Citizen Control?

Almost daily, someone, somewhere, is wanting to control the type of weapon that a citizen of the United States can have, or to take weapons out of the hands of the citizens completely.

Usually, the more Liberal or Progressive proponent is making the proposal.  The prevailing script goes something like this:  "Don't Americans care what happens to our children?"  Or, "Why do Americans need guns, we have the police and the military to protect us?"   Or, "There is no reason to need more than 10 bullets in a magazine for hunting."

Instead of Liberals pushing for gun control, logically, it should be Conservatives making the proposals. 

Most anti gun laws are not even enforced.  The laws are made after some horrific event that a criminal has committed, that only effect the law biding citizen.  Criminals are going to do as they please, regardless of any law legislated.  The areas that have enacted gun laws, such as Chicago, New York, California, and Connecticut, have the highest rate of gun violence.

What happened in the "Old West"?  Everyone carried guns, rifles, knives, or shotguns.  There was some violence, but for the most part everyone respected each other.  However, some violence was too much for the leaders of these towns.  Laws were made prohibiting the carrying of weapons in town.  Every one coming into town had to check them with the local sheriff.  Soon, the only ones that had the guns were the outlaws.  (They did not turn their guns in)  They would come riding into town shooting.  They would rob businesses, especially banks, because they knew their only opposition would be the local sheriff.  (He was usually shot)  Those gun control laws really worked for these towns.

Once the citizens realized that it was necessary to protect themselves or be killed, they armed themselves, stopping most of the outlaws.  Also, there were dedicated lawmen, that would pursue these outlaws relentlessly, until they caught or killed them.

Let us not forget the massacre at Wounded Knee, where more than 150 Indians, including women and children, died because the government wanted to take their guns away from them.  One shot started the bloodshed, but the massacre occurred as the government attempted to take the guns.

All guns can kill, from the smallest to the most powerful.  Even an air rifle can kill.  Legal or illegal, it doesn't matter.  But, remember that the criminals like to have the citizens unarmed.  Unarmed citizens make criminals bolder.

Banning guns or restricting the type of guns is not about the guns, it is about control.  Just as rape is not about sex, it is about control.

Those, so called, pundits that want to control, restrict, or take the guns, know exactly what they are doing.  They know what the second amendment is all about.  Do not think for one second that they do not.  They know that sooner or later, citizens will see their tyranny.  They know there is a chance, that the citizens will exercise the rights given to them by the Constitution.

This whole issue is about power, greed, and control.  Most of the representatives, that are pushing this issue, like the power, money, prestige, and power that comes with their office.  The lifestyle that they enjoy is something that they want to keep.

What would happen to the citizens of this country if the guns were taken away?
History has repeatedly shown that citizens that have had their guns taken away, have been imprisoned, murdered, having their possessions taken away by greedy men. History has proven this over and over.  A history that most want removed from the text books.

Ask the American Indians what happened, when the government took away their guns.  They were defenseless, unable to hunt for food, having their land taken away by greedy men. 

Let us not be naive.  Our country could very well be the next country to fall, unless we shout with a voice of freedom.  The will of the people must be maintained.

The Constitution arms the citizens of this country, with the tools necessary to fight against tyranny.  We must not bow down to tyranny.

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