Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Before starting my blog, everyone should know something about me. 

  I am a person that loves America as much as the founding fathers.  I am not a Republican, Democrat. Libertarian, nor do I drink Tea.  My country comes before any party.  I vote for the best candidate, not the party.  Unfortunately, sometimes, the choice is almost a coin toss. 

Candidates, especially those running for President, will tell the people of each state what they want to hear.  Their position changes from state to state.  These candidates need to declare their position, on each issue, the same in every state.

Second, that is what I am going to do.  My position may not be all inclusive to issues confronting this country, but, if I were running for office, my position would be the same in every state.

So, here goes.  These are not in order of importance.

I believe that God is the Creator of all things, so I may refer to God from time to time.

I believe in wearing seat belts, but do not believe that government should mandate it.

I believe in helmets for all bike riders, but do not believe government should mandate them.

I believe in marriage between a man and woman, not same sex marriage.  This should not even be an issue for political discussion.  This does not mean I hate homosexuals, just that I adhere to a Biblical definition of marriage.

I do not believe in abortion, because I believe life begins at conception.  Laws are already in place against murder.  Plus, The Ten Commandments says Thou shall not kill. 

I believe that Unions have become so corrupt, greedy, and self serving, that this is one of the main reasons for jobs being sent to other countries.  Their demands for increased pay, benefits, and  forbidding craft crossing, has caused businesses to fail.  (Craft crossing simply is not allowing anyone to change a light bulb, unless part of job description, even if they possess the skills.)

I believe that too many government environmental policies have been responsible for some businesses failing.  The EPA is a farce.

I believe that the government has made laws, regulations, and policies which do more harm than good.  After an incident of some kind, Congress will rush to enact some kind of legislation to prevent, in their mind, any recurrence.  Kind of closing the barn door after the horse has escaped.  Many are duplications of laws, regulations, or policy already on the books that have not been enforced.

I firmly believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. 

 The designers of this Constitution knew what they were doing.  There was as much disagreement then, as there is now, but the resulting document was the agreement of all involved.

I believe in family. 

There is much more, however, this is just a brief glimpse of my beliefs. Many of these will be discussed in more detail, in an individual blog post.

Hopefully, this Blog will be interesting, funny, helpful, truthful, and promote thinking.

Please be respectful of all that choose to make comments.  No name calling, no snide remarks, or hate filled words.  Disagree, but be kind to others.  This is my blog, so I will feel free to delete any unkind commen

1 comment:

  1. I also am not a republician, democrat, liberal,or tea party member, but I am a child of God and he is my Pilot. I feel that there should be prequsites for the office of President. I also believe in traditional one woman and one man marriage. All have there beliefs and each is entitled them. We are the judge of none and when the time comes we will ALL be judged by our maker.


Please be respectful of all that choose to make comments. No name calling, no snide remarks, or hate filled words. Disagree, but be kind to others. This is my blog, so I will feel free to delete any unkind comments.