Thursday, March 21, 2013

We have all heard the expression, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."  Bearing that in mind, I am thinking that posting all serious posts, without some fun, will make also make Jack depressed.  We do not want that to happen.

For those old enough to remember, there was a gentleman, named Art Linkletter, who was able to get kids to tell him everything.  He had his own show, featuring a segment where he questioned kids.  (I think there was a more recent version of the show, featuring Bill Cosby.)  Mr. Linkletter also wrote a book called "Kids Say The Darnest Things."

One of Mr. Linkletter's favorite ploy, was to ask the kids.  "What were you told not to say today?"  Much to the chagrin of the parents, these kids would open up, telling everything they were told not to say.

I believe that the media needs to ask, "What did the President tell you not to say today?"  The response might actually be the truth.  At least, it is worth a try.

Anyone having kids or grandkids, know that they speak their mind.  Wouldn't it be nice if adults would say what they thought, instead of bowing to peer pressure, media pressure, when speaking.

Years ago, one of my grandchildren, now an adult, was listening to my mother-in-law complaining about how bad she felt all the time.  My mother-in-law said that everything hurt when she moved.   My mother-in-law was already in her 80's.  My granddaughter looked up, saying to her, "If you would get out of that chair once in a while and move around, you wouldn't hurt so much.  (My granddaughter was about 4 years old.)

Kids have a way of seeing good in all things.  They take the time to smell the flowers, enjoying all of God's Creation. 

People many times say, "I would like to be a kid again, knowing all I know now."

I would settle for just being a kid.      

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