Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Just out of curiosity, which freedoms (or rights) are Americans willing to give up?  We mostly know about the First, Second, and the Fifth Amendments, because those are the ones we hear or read about.  But, are we willing to give up any of these freedoms?
One thing is certain, when we compromise any part of any of these rights, we will never get them back.  More likely, the others will fall in time.

That is why it is so hard to understand why there is so much debate about freedom of speech and gun control.

History has shown time and again, that losing just these two freedoms to the government, enslaves the country. 
Have we grown so lazy, that we are not willing to speak against those that would enslave a nation? 

Thanks to the media, our country is divided as never before.  Americans are taking a Liberal approach, and a Conservative approach to choosing our elected officials.
Or Left and Right.

What happened to the unity this country used to enjoy? 
Both sides have gone so far left and right, that, if they were riding a horse, they would fall off on one side or the other.  Our country needs a more moderate approach to matters concerning our country.

Our government is like a child.  A child, wanting to alter a parental rule, will pressure the parent relentlessly.  Even a small, insignificant compromise, results in loss of parental control. 
Once a parent gives in the first time, the battle is shorter the next time.  Before long the parent has no control over the child.

This is the same way our government works.  Legislation that is defeated once, keeps coming up over and over.  Each time it does, more legislators come on board.  They stop listening to those they represent, thinking that they know more than the people.  Sooner or later, they make the final compromise.  A law, usually bad, is passed. 
The people start to see the truth.  Hopefully, not too late.

The media has been ultra liberal for a long time.  Men like Walter Cronkite, Chet Huntley, and David Brinkley, had liberal bias.  However, when reporting the news, they never let the bias show.  They reported facts, not opinions.
When these men covered the National Presidential Conventions, the public had no idea which candidate these men favored.  And they covered both the Republican and the Democratic Conventions. 
Even when reporting election results, their choice was not evident.
Why does the media report opinion as fact now?  If challenged on something as not being factual, their out is that it was just opinion.

Editors edit interviews, to fill certain time elements.  Many times these edited pieces can make a person say something contrary to their actual belief.
Hollywood gives Academy Awards for film editing.  These editors can make or break a film.
Media editing can make or break a political candidate, especially if they do not like the candidate.  By and large the American Public will believe anything the media tell them.
I have watched live coverage of events, listening to the recap of what was said.  Words are taken out of context, making a candidate appear to say something that was not said.  Facts can appear as truth, if reported a certain way. 
The same event can be reported by two newspapers covering the same event.  Both give only the facts, but the words convey a different message.  Like the race between a Russian and an American.  In the race the American wins.  The American newspaper reports that the American wins.  However, the Russian newspaper reports that the Russian came in second.  The paper also says that the American came in next to last.
Both reported facts, but the American and Russian people only see the bias of their newspaper.

Just wondering what freedoms Americans are willing to lose?

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