Friday, March 29, 2013

Gun Ban or Citizen Control?

Almost daily, someone, somewhere, is wanting to control the type of weapon that a citizen of the United States can have, or to take weapons out of the hands of the citizens completely.

Usually, the more Liberal or Progressive proponent is making the proposal.  The prevailing script goes something like this:  "Don't Americans care what happens to our children?"  Or, "Why do Americans need guns, we have the police and the military to protect us?"   Or, "There is no reason to need more than 10 bullets in a magazine for hunting."

Instead of Liberals pushing for gun control, logically, it should be Conservatives making the proposals. 

Most anti gun laws are not even enforced.  The laws are made after some horrific event that a criminal has committed, that only effect the law biding citizen.  Criminals are going to do as they please, regardless of any law legislated.  The areas that have enacted gun laws, such as Chicago, New York, California, and Connecticut, have the highest rate of gun violence.

What happened in the "Old West"?  Everyone carried guns, rifles, knives, or shotguns.  There was some violence, but for the most part everyone respected each other.  However, some violence was too much for the leaders of these towns.  Laws were made prohibiting the carrying of weapons in town.  Every one coming into town had to check them with the local sheriff.  Soon, the only ones that had the guns were the outlaws.  (They did not turn their guns in)  They would come riding into town shooting.  They would rob businesses, especially banks, because they knew their only opposition would be the local sheriff.  (He was usually shot)  Those gun control laws really worked for these towns.

Once the citizens realized that it was necessary to protect themselves or be killed, they armed themselves, stopping most of the outlaws.  Also, there were dedicated lawmen, that would pursue these outlaws relentlessly, until they caught or killed them.

Let us not forget the massacre at Wounded Knee, where more than 150 Indians, including women and children, died because the government wanted to take their guns away from them.  One shot started the bloodshed, but the massacre occurred as the government attempted to take the guns.

All guns can kill, from the smallest to the most powerful.  Even an air rifle can kill.  Legal or illegal, it doesn't matter.  But, remember that the criminals like to have the citizens unarmed.  Unarmed citizens make criminals bolder.

Banning guns or restricting the type of guns is not about the guns, it is about control.  Just as rape is not about sex, it is about control.

Those, so called, pundits that want to control, restrict, or take the guns, know exactly what they are doing.  They know what the second amendment is all about.  Do not think for one second that they do not.  They know that sooner or later, citizens will see their tyranny.  They know there is a chance, that the citizens will exercise the rights given to them by the Constitution.

This whole issue is about power, greed, and control.  Most of the representatives, that are pushing this issue, like the power, money, prestige, and power that comes with their office.  The lifestyle that they enjoy is something that they want to keep.

What would happen to the citizens of this country if the guns were taken away?
History has repeatedly shown that citizens that have had their guns taken away, have been imprisoned, murdered, having their possessions taken away by greedy men. History has proven this over and over.  A history that most want removed from the text books.

Ask the American Indians what happened, when the government took away their guns.  They were defenseless, unable to hunt for food, having their land taken away by greedy men. 

Let us not be naive.  Our country could very well be the next country to fall, unless we shout with a voice of freedom.  The will of the people must be maintained.

The Constitution arms the citizens of this country, with the tools necessary to fight against tyranny.  We must not bow down to tyranny.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Years ago, before the Interstate Highway system, MapQuest, and GPS Satellites, traveling across the United States was an experience.  Traveling was done by the use of maps, provided by the Service Stations.  Planning a trip was a big undertaking, not to be taken lightly.  Maps had to be requested, showing the best route to take.  Also, it paid to talk to others that had made the trek.  All the pitfalls of the route had to be noted.  Such as, location of gas stations, restaurants, bathroom facilities available, and, if any rest areas were available.

My parents planned month in advance of any trip.  Maps were requested, food was stockpiled, Coleman stove tested, car was serviced.
Both my parents were good cooks, so I knew that I was not going to starve.  Meals were planned for each stop they had planned.  We had a hot meal at every stop.  It was just as quick to fix a meal, as it was to stop at a restaurant.
There is also something special about eating in the open air.  Food somehow tasted better.

Our trips usually started at night, after my dad finished working for the day.  My mom would fry up a bunch of chicken, providing a snack for us to eat during the night of traveling.  (Somehow, that chicken was the highlight of the trip)

When morning came, my parents would have found a rest area, preparing for breakfast.  My dad was quick.  He would cook eggs, bacon, potatoes, and biscuits.   Of course coffee was the first thing he made.  

At the smell of the bacon cooking and coffee brewing, I would wake from slumber, eagerly awaiting breakfast.  

After breakfast, mom would clean, dad would pack, and we would be off down the road.

Once, we had stopped as a rest area to stretch our legs.  It was too early to eat, but we wanted to stretch our legs.  As we were getting ready to leave, my dad noticed a puddle of water under the car.  Upon checking, he found that the water pump had gone out on the car.  He knew that it had to be fixed before we could go any further, so he got out his tools.  In a few hours, he had taken the water pump off, repacked the bearing, then had to make a gasket for the pump.  He knew that it would last until we reached our destination.

Once the car was fixed, he realized that it was time for lunch.  He asked what we would like to eat.  I said that I would like to have some stew.  He said that we didn't have any meat for the stew, but he would see what he could fix.

My dad had a bunch of K-rations, that he had gotten from an Army Surplus store.   In these K-rations, were several cans of hamburger patties.  The stew that he make from that hamburger was the best that I had ever eaten.  From that day forward, my dad used hamburger in all stews that he made.

All that being said, here is a recipe for Hamburger Stew/Soup:

Note:  This is for the amount I make, because I freeze the extra for later eating.  But the portions can be reduced to make just a small amount if desired.

Ingredients needed:   

5 pounds of lean ground meat
2-3 medium onions
2-3 pods of garlic
6-7 medium potatoes
6-7 medium carrots
1 large can of diced tomatoes
2 cups of black beans  (or one large can if not fresh beans)
1 bunch of celery
2 pounds of frozen corn
2 pounds of frozen peas (or green beans if desired)
Kosher salt
McCormicks Broiled Steak Seasoning, or Crazy Jane's Seasoning, or Spike 
(I make up my own seasoning)  Some of these have MSG, so need to be careful if MSG is a problem.
One 64 ounce bottle of V8 juice

If corn or peas, or green beans is not to what is wanted, substitute yellow squash, and zucchini for them.  Just be careful not to overcook.

This is how I make it.

Brown meat with 1/2 of one onion, salt to taste, crushed or diced garlic, and some of chosen seasoning.  (Just salt and pepper if desired).  Once meat is browned, add potatoes, and carrots, cooking until tender.  Add diced tomatoes, black beans, and diced celery.  Add the V8 juice.  Once liquid has gotten sufficiently hot, add frozen corn, peas, (or frozen green beans), and remaining onion.  (diced or small wedges)  Simmer until onion is just done. 
Add a pinch of sugar to balance the acidity level of tomato.

If using squash, add at the same time as onion, cooking until desired softness.
I use a very large pot to make this, but this makes a lot of soup/stew.  If desired, this can be simmered to reduce the liquid, making a thicker stock.  
Always better on the second day.


Friday, March 22, 2013

It is time for Americans to stop pushing the agenda of their party, pushing instead what is best for all America. The terms left wing & right wing are sickening. Americans need to stand for the things that made America great, not what they will get from the government. 

It is time for America to stop being politically correct. We need to stand for Truth, Justice, Trust in God, and for Free Enterprise. We need to stop being the only Nation in the world that plays by the rules. Other countries know that America will honor treaties, support those in need, treating other nations with respect. The other countries view this as weakness. That is why our enemies love to challenge us. We will not attack unfairly, which makes them all the bolder.

Do not believe the media, do your own research about the facts. There are numerous search engines.

Remember that politicians will say whatever the people want to hear when they are in a state. They change their message to adapt to the state they are trying to win. Look at what they have accomplished, rather than what is said. Most speak with forked tongues.

Politicians are making too many decisions for this country behind closed doors.  They live in their own little world, giving little regard for the people that elected them.  Being isolated in their own world, they have lost contact with the people.  The only voices that they hear are from lobbyist and special interest groups.  I know that it is difficult for them.  They are hounded by these groups constantly.  They become so overwhelmed, they become numb in their surroundings.  They have forgotten what living in the real world is like, living in this world they have created.

  America needs to focus on the things that made this nation great, starting with knowing the Constitution, the history of this country, and being able to read. Our schools have failed because they have gotten away from the basic education principals. We, as parents, have let the school boards, the government, and the media govern what is taught in the schools. No longer is history taught, other than recent history; language is not taught. except for internet & text language. Spelling is totally out. Reading is being replaced with TV.

Math is completely out the door. Kids can not even make change.
Parents, in an effort to provide their children with more than they had as children, have given their children everything they desire. This has made the children expecting everything to be given to them. Children have little respect for authority, personal property of others, or even honesty. They have not learned that their parents worked hard to provide for them because they have not had to work for anything.

Our children need to be responsible for their actions, not being given a pass. They need to know that it is ok to fail at some things, learning from their mistakes and failures.

We, as parents, grandparents, family, need to be involved in the education of our children. We need to decide what children need to have taught in the classroom. We can not sit on our hands any longer. 

Get back to prayer in school, pledging allegiance to our flag, respect for teachers and authority figures, including parents. 

I know that many have seen the need to revamp the education system. Good teachers are discouraged because so much time is spent baby sitting the children. They spend to much time making sure that students pass the state required tests, allowing them to keep their job, that they are unable to teach what needs to be taught.

Let us continue to pray to God for our country, our elected officials, and for a united America once again.

Our very existence as a nation depends upon our active involvement. Let us stand up to those that oppose the Constitution, the Rights & Freedoms we enjoy, and those that want to take instead of giving or working.

 We need to have a united front now, or we will be kissing our liberties goodbye.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

We have all heard the expression, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."  Bearing that in mind, I am thinking that posting all serious posts, without some fun, will make also make Jack depressed.  We do not want that to happen.

For those old enough to remember, there was a gentleman, named Art Linkletter, who was able to get kids to tell him everything.  He had his own show, featuring a segment where he questioned kids.  (I think there was a more recent version of the show, featuring Bill Cosby.)  Mr. Linkletter also wrote a book called "Kids Say The Darnest Things."

One of Mr. Linkletter's favorite ploy, was to ask the kids.  "What were you told not to say today?"  Much to the chagrin of the parents, these kids would open up, telling everything they were told not to say.

I believe that the media needs to ask, "What did the President tell you not to say today?"  The response might actually be the truth.  At least, it is worth a try.

Anyone having kids or grandkids, know that they speak their mind.  Wouldn't it be nice if adults would say what they thought, instead of bowing to peer pressure, media pressure, when speaking.

Years ago, one of my grandchildren, now an adult, was listening to my mother-in-law complaining about how bad she felt all the time.  My mother-in-law said that everything hurt when she moved.   My mother-in-law was already in her 80's.  My granddaughter looked up, saying to her, "If you would get out of that chair once in a while and move around, you wouldn't hurt so much.  (My granddaughter was about 4 years old.)

Kids have a way of seeing good in all things.  They take the time to smell the flowers, enjoying all of God's Creation. 

People many times say, "I would like to be a kid again, knowing all I know now."

I would settle for just being a kid.      

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Just out of curiosity, which freedoms (or rights) are Americans willing to give up?  We mostly know about the First, Second, and the Fifth Amendments, because those are the ones we hear or read about.  But, are we willing to give up any of these freedoms?
One thing is certain, when we compromise any part of any of these rights, we will never get them back.  More likely, the others will fall in time.

That is why it is so hard to understand why there is so much debate about freedom of speech and gun control.

History has shown time and again, that losing just these two freedoms to the government, enslaves the country. 
Have we grown so lazy, that we are not willing to speak against those that would enslave a nation? 

Thanks to the media, our country is divided as never before.  Americans are taking a Liberal approach, and a Conservative approach to choosing our elected officials.
Or Left and Right.

What happened to the unity this country used to enjoy? 
Both sides have gone so far left and right, that, if they were riding a horse, they would fall off on one side or the other.  Our country needs a more moderate approach to matters concerning our country.

Our government is like a child.  A child, wanting to alter a parental rule, will pressure the parent relentlessly.  Even a small, insignificant compromise, results in loss of parental control. 
Once a parent gives in the first time, the battle is shorter the next time.  Before long the parent has no control over the child.

This is the same way our government works.  Legislation that is defeated once, keeps coming up over and over.  Each time it does, more legislators come on board.  They stop listening to those they represent, thinking that they know more than the people.  Sooner or later, they make the final compromise.  A law, usually bad, is passed. 
The people start to see the truth.  Hopefully, not too late.

The media has been ultra liberal for a long time.  Men like Walter Cronkite, Chet Huntley, and David Brinkley, had liberal bias.  However, when reporting the news, they never let the bias show.  They reported facts, not opinions.
When these men covered the National Presidential Conventions, the public had no idea which candidate these men favored.  And they covered both the Republican and the Democratic Conventions. 
Even when reporting election results, their choice was not evident.
Why does the media report opinion as fact now?  If challenged on something as not being factual, their out is that it was just opinion.

Editors edit interviews, to fill certain time elements.  Many times these edited pieces can make a person say something contrary to their actual belief.
Hollywood gives Academy Awards for film editing.  These editors can make or break a film.
Media editing can make or break a political candidate, especially if they do not like the candidate.  By and large the American Public will believe anything the media tell them.
I have watched live coverage of events, listening to the recap of what was said.  Words are taken out of context, making a candidate appear to say something that was not said.  Facts can appear as truth, if reported a certain way. 
The same event can be reported by two newspapers covering the same event.  Both give only the facts, but the words convey a different message.  Like the race between a Russian and an American.  In the race the American wins.  The American newspaper reports that the American wins.  However, the Russian newspaper reports that the Russian came in second.  The paper also says that the American came in next to last.
Both reported facts, but the American and Russian people only see the bias of their newspaper.

Just wondering what freedoms Americans are willing to lose?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Before starting my blog, everyone should know something about me. 

  I am a person that loves America as much as the founding fathers.  I am not a Republican, Democrat. Libertarian, nor do I drink Tea.  My country comes before any party.  I vote for the best candidate, not the party.  Unfortunately, sometimes, the choice is almost a coin toss. 

Candidates, especially those running for President, will tell the people of each state what they want to hear.  Their position changes from state to state.  These candidates need to declare their position, on each issue, the same in every state.

Second, that is what I am going to do.  My position may not be all inclusive to issues confronting this country, but, if I were running for office, my position would be the same in every state.

So, here goes.  These are not in order of importance.

I believe that God is the Creator of all things, so I may refer to God from time to time.

I believe in wearing seat belts, but do not believe that government should mandate it.

I believe in helmets for all bike riders, but do not believe government should mandate them.

I believe in marriage between a man and woman, not same sex marriage.  This should not even be an issue for political discussion.  This does not mean I hate homosexuals, just that I adhere to a Biblical definition of marriage.

I do not believe in abortion, because I believe life begins at conception.  Laws are already in place against murder.  Plus, The Ten Commandments says Thou shall not kill. 

I believe that Unions have become so corrupt, greedy, and self serving, that this is one of the main reasons for jobs being sent to other countries.  Their demands for increased pay, benefits, and  forbidding craft crossing, has caused businesses to fail.  (Craft crossing simply is not allowing anyone to change a light bulb, unless part of job description, even if they possess the skills.)

I believe that too many government environmental policies have been responsible for some businesses failing.  The EPA is a farce.

I believe that the government has made laws, regulations, and policies which do more harm than good.  After an incident of some kind, Congress will rush to enact some kind of legislation to prevent, in their mind, any recurrence.  Kind of closing the barn door after the horse has escaped.  Many are duplications of laws, regulations, or policy already on the books that have not been enforced.

I firmly believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. 

 The designers of this Constitution knew what they were doing.  There was as much disagreement then, as there is now, but the resulting document was the agreement of all involved.

I believe in family. 

There is much more, however, this is just a brief glimpse of my beliefs. Many of these will be discussed in more detail, in an individual blog post.

Hopefully, this Blog will be interesting, funny, helpful, truthful, and promote thinking.

Please be respectful of all that choose to make comments.  No name calling, no snide remarks, or hate filled words.  Disagree, but be kind to others.  This is my blog, so I will feel free to delete any unkind commen